quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011

O Facebook e os Jornalistas

Algumas recomendações :

Facebook + Journalism 101

quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011

Artigo Científico

The influence of the Internet on Portuguese press

This study investigates how Portuguese print journalists evaluate changes that have occurred in the profession since the Internet has been integrated in newsrooms. The main purpose is to understand how these professional perceive the influence of the Internet on journalism practices, roles and ethics. In order to answer these questions, it was carried out a survey of 40 journalists working for the four most-read Portuguese daily newspapers. Results confirm that Internet is considered a positive influence on journalism. Furthermore, journalists' perceptions seem to be explained by age in some cases and by the newspaper they work for in others. Gender and Internet use do not seem to be statistically relevant in this evaluation.

To link or not to link?

[To link or not to link? It's about as ancient as questions get in online journalism; Nick Carr's links-as-distraction argument is only the latest incarnation. Yesterday, Jason Fry tried to contextualize the linking debate around credibility, readability, and connectivity. Here, Jonathan Stray tries out his own, more pragmatically focused four-part division. Tomorrow, we'll have the result of Jonathan's analysis of how major news organizations link out and talk about linking out. —Josh]

You don’t need links for great journalism — the profession got along fine for hundreds of years without them. And yet most news outlets have at least a website, which means that links are now (in theory, at least) available to the majority of working journalists. What can links give to online journalism? I see four main answers.

sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011

Apresentação do blogue Cibercomunicando

O blogue "Cibercomunicando" tem como ponto de partida a minha tese, "O aproveitamento das potencialidades da internet pelos ciberjornais culturais portugueses; Temos modelo de negócio para os media digitais? .

Aqui pretendo partilhar convosco artigos (da minha autoria, ou de investigadores da área) sobre as características do ciberjornalismo, e claro, a grande questão: o modelo de negócio.

No entanto, nem só de media digitais quero falar por aqui, até porque desejo que este espaço funcione como canal das minhas investigações nos mais variados campos em que me envolva.

Os vossos feedbacks são sempre muito bem vindos e esperados.

Obrigada pela vossa atenção e espero contar com a vossa visita.

Irene Leite

O Comunicado da Blitz

Um novo renascimento... A próxima edição da BLITZ é a última em formato de revista. A aposta incidirá, de ora em diante, nos conte...